Here you will find important information about visiting our school.


To be able to welcome your kid(s) at our schools there are a few requirements that have to be met, to ensure a good working environment for all.

Due to the fact that all our information will be given out in German, your kid(s) should have a basic knowledge of the German language and visit a private tutor if needed. For you, as a parent this would be advised as well. Furthermore an interpreter should be present for any parent-teacher meetings to avoid misunderstandings.

It is necessary for your kid(s) to understand and know the school’s rules which you can find here under this informations.

Both you and your kid(s) should be aware of our school teaching all classes in German. Therefore a certain amount of knowledge is necessary as a precondition, since our teachers are committed to convey the contents of subjects, but don’t have the resources to teach the language simultaneously.


 If all these requirements are met, we are sure that your kid(s) will be successful learning and integrating themselves in our community.  Integration is only possible by speaking the language to a certain extend and will make it easier for everyone to get along well.

School rules new.docx
Microsoft Word Dokument 23.3 KB

Welcome Rules.docx
Microsoft Word Dokument 43.6 KB